Speaking Presentations
Each week I make available a limited number of slots for a free 20 minute complimentary consultations. During this time you can get acquainted with me and allow the opportunity for me to answer questions you may have regarding the coaching process. From there you can decide if we are a good fit to work together.
In the call we'll talk about your goals, any obstacles you face, and what prompted you to reach out to talk. I hope when we finish talking you will feel hopeful and energized knowing that there is help.
Who doesn't love the power, strength and influence of a sisterhood? In my eight month group program, Restoring The Soul, we take a more in depth look at how we arrived where we are in life. We will also discuss how to tap into your Higher Power (Source, God, Inner Guide) and learn to release barriers and fears we identified.
The first three weeks of each month everyone joins the Zoom meeting to hear a special message. Don't worry if you are unable to attend the designated time because replay is always available as well as a PDF attachment that gives an overview of the call as well as specific exercises designed to help you grow in your journey. The fourth week (and fifth if present) is an integration week built in specifically throughout the course to allow you space to catch up on listening or registering to the calls, working on integrating the steps learned so that you may show in your life as deliberate, consistent and intentional in your action steps.
You will have a 1 on 1 coaching call with me every two weeks to address any particular concerns you are having, any blocks you've encountered as your awareness of how you show up and present each day increases through the work you are doing. In addition, there is a private Facebook Group page that I check daily and have you post in as well. Questions that arise, additional support needed and encouragement can all be found on the site. To add another layer of support and accountability you will each be assigned an accountability partner. In my experience, a very special friendship blooms throughout the program. It's an amazing eight months focused solely on you breaking free from what ever holds you back and becoming the authentic person you were destined to be!

Speaking in front of a group of women is something I really enjoy! I love seeing everyone's smiles, facial expressions and share a laugh or two as we learn an array of topics. Topics include gratitude, setting boundaries, and learning to practice mindfulness and being present.
Let's connect to discuss a time and venue.